Welcome to Books by...

Alicia Jane

This is the place if you like your heroes sweet and your romances simple.

So... you like romances, but you don't like them too steamy?

That's totally fine. I've got you covered with my Alicia Jane books.

These are the stories where the heroes are just as hot as in A.J. Strickland books...

But the love scenes aren't graphic.

That doesn't mean there's no sex in Alicia Jane stories. (There is.)

But the sex isn't as detailed or in-depth.

But everything you'd expect from an A.J. Strickland novel can be found inside these books, too:

  • Same exceptional characters.
  • Same riveting storylines.
  • Same unforgettable romances.
  • Same timely lessons in faith.

So don't think Alicia Jane books are watered down and boring. They're not.

What they are are books you can read without blushing or needing a cold shower later on. They're books you can read with your daughter or in your church group.

Because, though they glorify sex, they won't give you a play-by-play sexual encounter.

And if you're considering getting a YA for your daughter or wondering if you should let her check them out from the library...

Consider and wonder no more. You have my promise that Alicia Jane books are safe for your young adult.

There will be no Song of Solomon eroticism in these books.

Just good, old-fashioned boy-meets-girl, coming-of-age romances. Perhaps with a dash of drama, adventure, or mystery thrown in to keep your blood pumping and attention engaged.

So come on. What are you waiting for? Get your copy of any Alicia Jane novel and get ready to be swept off your feet...

Straight into the adventure and romance of your life!

Logo for A.J. Strickland novels. At the center of the logo is a blue circle. There's a woman sitting on the bottom of the circle, her knees bent so she can prop up the book she's reading. She's wearing a red sweater, black leggings, and brown boots. Her hair is long and brown. Around the circle is written, "Contemporary Romance." Under the circle are the words, "A.J. Strickland."

Crafting passionate tales for adult hearts and creating magical worlds for young minds!

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