About: Me

I’m so glad you’ve decided to join me here.

But, to be honest, this isn’t my favorite writing activity.


Because I don’t like talking about myself — I don’t find myself all that interesting a read.

But every author needs an About Me page, right?

So, here goes...

It was a dark and stormy night. The waters of the nearby creek had crested and sent a muddy torrent racing down to our home.

As the flood rose, the paramedics trudged through shin-high water to retrieve my mom, who was rushed to the hospital.

But there was concern she wouldn't make it in time...

Just kidding.

Truth is, when my mom went into labor, my aunt broke the sound barrier in her little BMW, defying gravity en route to Stanford Hospital, where I was born.

I grew up in Palo Alto where I lived until recently, though I still call the Silicon Valley home.

My professional photo. I'm wearing a red sweater that sets off my tan skin, brown eyes, and brown hair. The copper highlights are picked out in my curls. On my left hand is my grandma's anniversary ring of a solitaire sapphire surrounded by smaller sapphires. Garnet-red lipstick is the only makeup on my face.

For over two years, I’ve spent my days as a pre-K teacher and my nights working on my novels and trying to build my writing business.

With a degree in interior design, I’m currently using my home to build my portfolio and use it as the foundation for my upcoming design blog.

In 2019, I adopted Hunter, my flame-point Siamese. Though I’d love to adopt a dog (or two... or three — yeah, I’m an animal lover), I intend to do a lot of traveling for my novels, so I’m putting that dream on hold. For now.

When I’m not writing, I can be found — (don’t all bios use that line?) — working in my garden or trying to settle into my home and finish its décor.

When it comes to entertainment, I’m eclectic. But among my favorite authoresses are Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, and Agatha Christie — all which line bookshelves at home. For word-free entertainment, I might watch romances, fantasy, or even action. As to music, I’m a country girl but was also reared on Big Band, Oldies, and Motown.

I’m currently at work on the first series under A.J. Strickland and my first novel under Alicia Jane. And my first kids’ novel has just been released under Allie Jay.

All right. Now that you’ve read about me, drop me a line and tell me something about yourself. I bet your life is much more intersting than mine.

(And... Hey there! I see you rolling your eyes and sighing in boredom. I did warn you I wasn’t all that thrilling!)

Logo for A.J. Strickland novels. At the center of the logo is a blue circle. There's a woman sitting on the bottom of the circle, her knees bent so she can prop up the book she's reading. She's wearing a red sweater, black leggings, and brown boots. Her hair is long and brown. Around the circle is written, "Contemporary Romance." Under the circle are the words, "A.J. Strickland."

Crafting passionate tales for adult hearts and creating magical worlds for young minds!

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