~ Books by Alicia ~

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Book reviews

Ever heard the saying, "The artist is vain?"

Well, I wouldn't say I'm vain, but...

If you've read one of my books and absolutely loved it, then (PLEASE) let me know!

General questions or comments

  • Curious about my take on Christianity?
  • Wanna discuss a decorating idea in my book? (Yep, I'm an interior designer!)
  • Wanna suggest a future book plot, setting, or hero/heroine names? (I tend to go for unusual or exotic names.)
  • Wanna say how hot you find one of my heroes? (Trust me. You're not the only woman to drool!)

If it's in my book and it's on your mind, drop me a line.

Media inquiries

If you'd like me to speak at an event, make an appearance on your podcast, or write a guest blog, let's chat.


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Logo for A.J. Strickland novels. At the center of the logo is a blue circle. There's a woman sitting on the bottom of the circle, her knees bent so she can prop up the book she's reading. She's wearing a red sweater, black leggings, and brown boots. Her hair is long and brown. Around the circle is written, "Contemporary Romance." Under the circle are the words, "A.J. Strickland."

Crafting passionate tales for adult hearts and creating magical worlds for young minds!

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