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A.J. Strickland

This is the place if you like your heroes hot and your romance steamy.

The Genesis of A.J. Strickland Novels

Take sex back for Me and use Song of Solomon as your guide to glorify sex.

“Um… Excuse me, Sir?” I said. Surely I’d misheard Him. He couldn’t seriously expect me to write about sex — let alone glorify it!

But that’s exactly what He expected.

Gotta admit I was fretting. Why?

Because no one in the Church was going to sanction my books. I mean, “sex is pretty much taboo, God,” I said.

To which He said, There are those in My Church who will say what you write is evil, but you get your approval from Me.

*Gulp* Okay…

So I asked for verification.

“Don’t suppose I could get some confirmation that I’m hearing You correctly? Something that tells me I’m on the right Biblical path?”

(To be honest, what little I knew of Song of Solomon didn’t inspire me or put me in mind of glorification of sex. I mean, King Solomon thought comparing his wife’s breasts to doves was flattering!)

So He pointed me to two books about holy sex. And they showed me that the Church has done a disservice to God’s creation of sex by remaining quiet while the devil steals and bastardizes it.

But Papa wants to take it back!

Sex was meant for a husband and wife — meant to be romantic, loving, bonding, sensual, erotic… and any other emotion you and your spouse want to arouse. Just keep it holy.

Sex is EVERYWHERE in society. But it’s not God’s sex. It’s not depicted as holy. And we, the Church, can’t exist in a bubble. We’re called to be in the world… but not to have it in us.

But how can we combat the devil’s lies if we don’t fight with God’s Truth?

Real-World Christianity Is Born

It’s because of the subject matter that I call my A.J. Strickland novels “real-world Christianity.” Because you’ll find the real world mirrored in these novels.

My mom inspired the phrase. Because she’d read something I’d written and liked it “because it’s the real world.”

She devoured other Christian novels but always felt, though wonderful reads, something was missing. People didn’t act as they would in the real world.

In the real world, people swear. In the real world, people sleep around. In the real world, people lead colorful lives before Jesus.

And that’s what’s in A.J. Strickland novels.

I want people to see themselves. Faithfully depicted.

Because I don’t want anyone to be deceived as I once was and think that there’s anything they can do or have been that can keep them from salvation.

So, yes, you’re going to read about porn stars, alternative lifestyles, drug addicts, alcoholics, murderers…

You’re going to be exposed to rape, pornography, murder, adultery, sex trafficking, torture…

Does that mean that every bad guy in my novels gets saved? Or that every good guy is a Christian? Nope. Just as in real life. Some bad guys don’t want to be saved. And not every good person claims Christ.

But if that bad guy truly comes to the end of himself and says the Sinner’s Prayer? You bet he gets saved!

And if someone claims Christ but acts reprehensibly? You’d better believe he’ll get his comeuppance by the end. “Be not deceived. God is not mocked…” (Gal. 6:7).

A.J. Spanks the Church

So you’re probably wondering “why her, God?” Valid question. Because it’s absolutely what I asked Him myself!

And the answer’s simple enough, I guess. He gave me this call because I’m not shy when it comes to depicting sex or real-life situations.

Because I can talk about sex in all its forms. Godly sex. Or the devil’s sex.

Because I can be honest about both sides of the aisle. Because I love both sides of the aisle.

Because I love Him. And want people to know Him as I’ve come to know Him.

Because I know that if Papa created sex (and He did) but said to wait till marriage, then marriage isn’t going to be the death knell it’s always portrayed to be.

God created us to feel arousal and passion. To give us those feelings but require us to abstain till we enter His institution, which subsequently kills all chances of engagement… but not the emotions? That’s cruel. And despite what people think, He’s not cruel.

And… because, well, the Church dropped the ball somewhere along the way.

How do I mean that?

Well, do you know how many people expressed surprise when they learned that I, a Christian, was writing about real-life situations?

More than one — and even ONE is too many.

Shock because I wrote faithfully about rape.

Astonishment because I write about sex between a husband and wife — and describe it as passionate and even erotic. (Heck! That I, a Christian, even use the word “erotic”!)

When real-world people find out that a Christian is writing about situations they face in the real world and are genuinely dismayed…

There’s something seriously wrong within the Church.

The world is HURTING! People are looking for two things — and only the Church has the answers…

Love… and realness (aka authenticity… aka TRUTH).

“…so That Others Might See Fragments of Themselves”

And what better way to reach the world with and through both love and authenticity than by telling stories?

People LOVE stories. We were designed to enjoy them because God is the Ultimate Storyteller. (That’s what the Bible is, after all — a collection of stories.)

In fact, Jesus’ whole ministry was, what, 90% parables (aka stories)!

Why do we like stories?

Because people liked to be entertained — NOT to feel as if they’re in some lecture hall learning about God’s views on sex. Not that I have anything against clinical books, but if God wants to reach people, fiction really is the best way to do so. SHOW people through examples using characters they can relate to.

Stories can make us think, laugh, feel fear, compassion, love, passion…

Stories can bring us together. They can also tear us apart (usually through gossip and rumors).

Stories engage our minds and our emotions.

Facts, dates, and figures aren’t easy to remember or fun to learn.

But give pertinent information wrapped up in a story, and you’ll remember that tale forever. (I still remember the stories my bio/chem teacher told us to drive home boring equations and formulas!)

That’s what stories can do for us.

And the more memorable the story, the longer it sticks with us.

Stories That Last

But what makes a story memorable?

To me, they’re stories that are gripping, exciting, engaging…

They have heroes and heroines who are endearing, personable, believable…

They have villains who are loathsome yet entertaining…

They have plots that are riddled with suspense, action, adventure, love…

They have settings that are captivating…

And that’s what A.J. Strickland novels are.

The common denominator is a genre of love, romance…

But you mix in subgenres of suspense, drama, action, adventure, fantasy, history…

And you get one memorable tale that’s sure to be a rollercoaster ride of emotions from start to finish.

Coming Soon

I hope you decide to give A.J. Strickland novels a try. I promise to keep you entertained from beginning to end.

No matter what side of the aisle you’re on.

Just give one of my books a chance and you’ll see.

Unconditional Love is a tale of rape, phobia, fear, and love.

If you’ve ever been raped or faced a crisis of faith, this may be a novel you should read.

Learn how my heroine, Querida, works with God to achieve healing and peace and attain her heart’s desire.

Treasure Hunters is my first series. The first in the series is called All That Glitters. And it’s a romance built around action, adventure, fantasy, kidnapping, torture, and an immeasurable treasure.

Colton FitzSimmons is my loveable hero, a rascally rogue who dabbled in the sex industries and had a career in Hollywood. Aviana Greenwich is my heroine who was reared in a Christian home but experimented with sex and was hurt and rejected. One divine encounter between the two changes both and thrusts them straight into a life of intrigue, danger, and treasure hunting.

For Tamer Reads, Try…

But if you prefer less sex and swearing, try my upcoming novel, Sentimental Journey, under my other pen name, Alicia Jane.

Alicia Jane will be your basic coming-of-age novels (for young adults) or basic romances that may include sex but won’t be spicy.

For kids, I’ll be writing books under the name Allie Jay. And my first one, The Adventure in the Magical World, is finally out!

And for you history and period-piece buffs, you’ll love the stories that will come out under HEARD Crittenden.

No matter the alias or genre/subgenre, you’re sure to find a novel that suits you.

Don’t Be a Stranger

Regardless of your stance, I want to thank you, Reader, for taking time to learn about my novels. I hope they inspire and delight you, that you find them to be sources of comfort, encouragement, edification, and pleasure, and that you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them!

And I hope you keep in touch. Let me know how you like my stories. I really do enjoy writing them — creating tales that I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I do.

Drop me a line sometime to let me know. Or click this link to write a review. Or join me on one of my platforms and introduce yourself. I’d love to get to know you.

Until then…

Happy reading!

Logo for A.J. Strickland novels. At the center of the logo is a blue circle. There's a woman sitting on the bottom of the circle, her knees bent so she can prop up the book she's reading. She's wearing a red sweater, black leggings, and brown boots. Her hair is long and brown. Around the circle is written, "Contemporary Romance." Under the circle are the words, "A.J. Strickland."

Crafting passionate tales for adult hearts and creating magical worlds for young minds!

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