About: My Testimony
Well, if you’ve read my About Me page, then you already know I hate talking about myself.
Still, I felt God relay to me that along with About Me and About You (aka My Audience) pages, I also needed a Testimony page.
So here we are.
And since you’re here, you must want to know something more about the girl behind the Books by Alicia brand.
Okay then.
Below, you’ll read my testimony — how yours truly started out and came to where I am now, and how God took a very confused, deceived girl (who used one of her God-given gifts to glorify the devil) and redeemed not only her soul but her gifts and calling.
But I advise you to hunker down. I’m a writer, remember? This testimony will take a while!
Here goes…
My dad and mom in happier days.
Birthday gift to myself. I've always wanted to go horseback
riding! And Lana was the best.
My Formative Years
I started my writing journey by reading. Which isn’t all that unique. Most writers are avid readers.
But for me, getting lost between the pages of a book was sheer bliss. It transported me out of my not-so-happy childhood into whatever world of make-believe I was reading.
What made my childhood not so happy?
Not certain how personal you’d like me to get, so let me just say that I came from a broken home that included alcoholism, spousal abuse, verbal/emotional abuse, and, from some of my family members, also racism.
(If you don’t know, I’m a halfer… Well, really I’m black, white, and Cherokee (the top three among a few others). And don’t wig out. I call myself a halfer or a half-breed because, hey, I’m not uptight or prickly when it comes to my ethnicity. I’m proud of the mix God used to create me.)
The only person throughout my life I knew loved me unconditionally was my mom.
But as a child, I so wanted a father. And that lonely little girl wanted God to be that Man.
The only problem was it turned out that I was a literal child. And when I heard others’ testify about saying the Sinner’s Prayer, then going outside to find the sky was bluer, the grass greener, and all their addictions gone…
Well, let me just say that when seven-year-old Alicia gave her life to Jesus, she went outside the next day and found the grass still the same green, the sky the same blue, and all my bad-girl ways still intact…
I thought my salvation didn’t take.
I tried over and over and over to get Jesus to love me and take me. I remember pleading with Him, begging Him to explain what was so wrong with me that He didn’t want me!
At 7, I was obviously a sun lover!
By the time I was twelve, I was convinced that this salvation thing wasn’t going to work for me. Which told young AJ that she was the only person Jesus didn’t want to save and didn’t love. So I told Him, “Fine. If You don’t want me, guess I’m going to Hell. So I’m gonna have some fun on my way there.”
And that started my many years of rebelling against God.
Happy that my bangs had FINALLY grown out! (Boy, that was
an awkward phase for which I pledged NEVER to have short
bangs again!)
Rebel with a Cause
I was angry at God. But I’ve since learned that you relate to God the way you relate to your earthly father. If you have a good relationship with your dad, chances are you’ll have a good opinion of God.
Guess where I fell?
You guessed it. Since I did not have a good relationship with or opinion of my earthly father (whom I thought hated me)… well, my relationship with God mirrored that. As did my opinion of Him.
(Actually, all the men in my life had anger issues. So is it any wonder I viewed God as angry, mean, scary…?)
So, yep, I rebelled. But only inwardly or around my friends. Within my Christian family and especially around my sainted mother, I put on a good Christian façade. (I’m a good actress, so playing my part was easy.)
Around my friends, I swore worse than a sailor, lied, cheated, and messed around.
Around my mom, I donned a halo and acted the part of a good girl.
And everything I did was to get back at God. I wanted to hurt Him the way (I thought) He’d hurt me.
“Snakes… Why’d It Have to Be Snakes?”
Maybe now’s a good time to mention my one recurring dream, starting at age seven. (Notice the age, please — the time I gave my life to Jesus and then began believing that He hated me.)
First, let me say, I dream ALL the time. In fact, I have LONG, detailed dreams — and quite a few have become the foundations for upcoming novels. (Such as Treasure Hunters 1: All That Glitters. Yup. That came from a dream!)
However, I NEVER have recurring dreams.
That’s why this dream stands out. Because it was the same dream spanning about twenty years.
The setting was always different (sometimes inside my elementary school, sometimes in the field behind it, sometimes in my house…), but, from seven to my twenties, the dream was always the same.
I was being chased by a snake. And instead of screaming, every time I opened my mouth, I spewed teeth. And that nasty snake kept on my tail, eating every tooth I lost.
The dreams were so real, I always shot up in bed, panting and sweating. And searching my room for that snake.
Imagine my relief when I realized it had only been a dream.
(And if you’re wondering if I ever use this dream in a novel, the answer’s “affirmative.” A lot of my novels include bits of my “ripped-from-the-headlines” life.)
But with every reoccurrence, I was more and more convinced that God hated me, and I was destined for Hell.
(I’ll tell you the interpretation God gave me, below.)
Good hair day!
Love’s Journey (an Apropos Title)
In high school, I learned I had a talent for writing stories (though I’d been writing essays and reports for years). My freshman teacher praised the first action/adventure short story I wrote, and I’d enjoyed every second of weaving that tale.
Stories, it turned out, were easy and fun. They allowed me to create worlds, people, and situations — which all spelled “control.” And for a girl who felt she had no control or real purpose or meaning in her life, writing stories was awesome.
It made me, well, God!
(And since I was so angry at Him, crafting stories allowed me to don His Role and show Him how to do it better. A gift, it turns out, He gave me! How’s that for pride? Using His gift to show Him up!)
Senior year, I wrote five chapters of my first non-school story. For my best friend. Just to pass the time.
The next thing I knew, she wanted more… and more… and more…
Till I’d written 65 chapters!
Love’s Journey was born.
(Yes, I’m going to publish it. Probably under Alicia Jane. I’ll keep you posted.)
And it was she (my best friend) who said, “You should get this published.”
But I shrugged it off. To me, writing wasn’t a profession. It was fun and enjoyable. But not profitable. (At the time, I wanted to be a lawyer. Thank God He had other plans! The last thing the world needs is another one of those!)
It was later that I realized my love of architecture, designing, and fashion were avenues I wanted to tread instead of law. So I got my degrees. (And, yes, that’s why you find so much of each in my novels. I love to educate as well as entertain.)
Yet… I carried Nina’s words with me. And they soon became prophetic.
Because everywhere I looked, a story leaped out at me. A conversation between people in the grocery store. An interaction between me and my mom. Music on the radio. Plot ideas on TV. A phrase used in a book. Even situations at work.
Ideas for books were all around me!
“…That Saved a Wretch like Me”
Ever hit rock bottom? I have. It’s no fun, but it’s usually the best place for God to reach you. Just as He did me.
I was that one sheep who wandered away from the flock for whom the Shepherd left His other sheep to rescue (Luke 15:1-7).
And looking back, I can see how my Shepherd had His eye on me the whole time.
He allowed me free rein… but only for so long. It was as if He were telling me, “I’m going to let you get away with this rebellion. For now. But a time’s coming when I’ll set you straight.”
And He did. (Keep reading.)
I rededicated my life when I was 21, but I still struggled with sin. I kept hearing a nagging voice saying, “If you were really saved, you wouldn’t still do that.”
And I would get scared. Because I was no longer resigned to going to Hell. I didn’t want to go there. But how could I avoid it if I still wasn’t good enough for Jesus to save?
Don’t know if you’re a Christian, but God is real, and He really is so good.
He knew my heart’s desire was to be His. And He knew I was suffering under the deceit and confusion that I’d bought into since childhood.
So He sent two women to set me straight. June Hunt and Joyce Meyer.
The first lady dispelled the devil’s deception of “an angelic chorus” salvation. Oh, it can happen… to some… but not for most.
(In fact, I have an upcoming novel where my heroine hears that chorus. But for most of my characters, there’s no celestial encounter.)
The Bible says that if you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and confess it with your mouth, then you’re saved (Romans 10:9). Plain, simple, and easy.
Hearing June’s teaching — that was my “Hallelujah” chorus!
A few years later came Joyce Meyer with her teaching on Romans 12:2, which has since become my verse.
“Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]” (AMPC).
Basically, your mind/will/emotions won’t “magically” change externally the way your spirit was changed internally when you accepted Christ — you have to get into God’s Word and let It transform you from the inside out.
My second “Hallelujah” experience!
God had finally gotten through the lies the devil had me believing for so long — with the Truth.
He had ALWAYS loved me!
A Dream Interpreted
And that recurring snake nightmare? (No, I didn’t forget. I wouldn’t do that to you.)
With my rededication, I got into God’s Word. I was reading about Nebuchadnezzar and how God had sent his dream (Daniel 2:1-3, 27-28)…
And suddenly I felt God downloading the truth of my nightmare into me. (No, I didn’t hear His Voice, but I felt His Presence.)
God had sent those dreams to me. Not to scare me. To get my attention.
See, in dreams, teeth represent wisdom. (First learned that from Madonna! Yes, the singer. God used her to set me on the path to interpreting His dream!)
So I spewed wisdom that the snake (the devil) devoured. In other words, I knew the truth in my heart (the wisdom that God loved me), but I had allowed (and kept allowing) the devil to deceive me (eat my wisdom).
And if you guessed that my response was to break down into tears… you’re right again!
Not only did God love me…
He loved me SO MUCH that He sent dream after dream throughout my early years to reach me!
I had had a Father and His love all the time!
(Excuse me while I cry. This part STILL gets to me!)
No More Snakes
The last snake dream I had came a few years after the above epiphany.
In my dream, a snake bit my dog. Instead of running away, I pushed up my sleeves and went after the snake. With the claw part of a hammer.
And I whacked away at that snake, ripping away chunks of its body until it slithered away from me, defeated.
I knew then God was telling me I’d turned a corner in my spiritual maturity. And in my relationship with Him!
Wearing my birthday gift: jewelry! (And my cowgirl hat)
Romans 12:2 in Action
When I rededicated my life to Jesus, God took me on a journey of love…
Love’s journey. (See how God never wastes anything? Not even a book title. My senior-year novel’s title pointed the way to the upcoming work God would do in my life.)
Because God so loved Alicia… He not only sent Jesus to save me — He wouldn’t leave me as He found me.
And He’d found one angry, hate-filled little girl inside.
So the first thing He said to me was, “Alicia, honey, you have to forgive your father. You’re filled with hate, and it’s eating you up inside. And I can’t use you or bless you in that state.”
Forgiveness is NOT easy, Reader. It also doesn’t just “happen.” Forgiveness, as love, is an action you take and keep taking until your heart and your head line up.
So, with God’s help, I forged that path of forgiveness, and now my dad and I are okay.
Redeeming a Calling
The next thing God taught me about myself was He created me to be a writer.
Since I love to write, this was wonderful news!
Especially since I thought I’d burned the bridge to any sort of writing career with my previous attempts that didn’t glorify Him.
But if God can redeem a person, He can also redeem a calling.
And that’s just what He did for me.
He also told me I have a unique personal message of redemption that’s given me a love of people and compassion for the lost.
I know how it feels to want to be loved and believe I’m not good enough.
And my greatest desire is to reach those out there who feel the same and let them know they don’t have to be perfect or get themselves “presentable” before coming to God.
He sees them already and loves them anyway. Unconditionally.
He doesn’t care what you’ve done or who you’ve been.
He sent Jesus to die…
Just for YOU.
Even when you were still sinning.
And that’s what He wanted my novels to do. Reach the lost. Glorify Him.
The first two? Not a single problem.
Positioning my novels to reach people right where they are? The way He sent those dreams to reach me? I can do that.
(Though I positively abhor snakes, so you won’t get too many (any?) stories from me that mirror the dreams God sent my way.)
And glorify Him? Again, easy peasy. I love Him and all He’s done for me. I love how real He is with me and how real I can be with Him. We laugh together. He kids me. He scolds me. And He allows me to lash out at Him when I’m upset. He’s not just my Father, He’s my Friend and Big Brother.
(If you want to hear the third bit He told me and also learn the genesis of A.J. Strickland novels, click here.)
There’s No Testimony without Some Tests
The last bit of my testimony would be two major tests I’ve endured.
First involving a man. Ten years later involving my beloved mother.
The First Test
Because I want to keep it real between us, Reader, I’m gonna be honest and say that a few years after my rededication, God allowed a man I’d once known to re-enter my life.
Long story short, it was an unequally yoked situation (2 Corinthians 6:14), and I made God a promise that if I learned this guy’s feelings for me were turning romantic, I’d put a stop to it.
They were. So I did.
And it was the hardest thing I’d ever had to do. Because I cared greatly for him. But I knew the Bible and understood why God requires His children not to pair up with un-Believers.
Not the easiest test. (Especially since I’m STILL waiting, Lord, for my Mr. Right! 😊)
But considering Jesus was tested three times, I should’ve guessed this wouldn’t be a one-and-done kinda thing.
This was just my test of obedience in the arena of love (the heart). An arena where women make some of the WORST (read: not-from-God) decisions.
At least I’d grown enough as a Christian and in my relationship with God to put Him before my hormones and my emotions.
That’s progress.
The Second Test
The next test was harder because it was a test of faith.
My mom had suffered a severe stroke. Complications took her life three years later.
My mom had faced domestic abuse and come through. She had battled a severe form of breast cancer and survived. She had encountered numerous other attacks, including family members who never saw her true value but only ever ridiculed and underestimated her. But still she persevered.
But some suspect actions in the ER one night resulted in… her death?
That not only threw me, but the shock rendered me completely numb.
And I came to a Job crisis of faith. Was I going to stick with God despite the pain in my heart, or was I going to curse Him and turn away?
I’ve heard of Christians who’ve met with tragedy and, angry at God for seemingly not coming through, they packed it in, declared there can’t be a God, and became atheists.
I know that temptation. And my heart goes out to them.
My mama! She told me all the time that I was her answer
to prayer!
My mom was my constant for all my life. No matter what happened, she was my rock, my sounding board, my encourager, my comforter, my best friend.
When she died, I felt unmoored, adrift at sea. With absolutely no one and nothing to cling to.
But God.
If I haven’t made it clear yet, Reader, I HATE who I once was — what I’d become and done. I was filled with anger and hate. I was sad and confused. Except for my mom, I felt like a misfit, an outcast no one wanted or loved.
But once God opened my eyes to the truth, everything fell into place. I had a Father. I had His love, His acceptance, His utter devotion. I was the apple of His eye. I had always consumed His heart and thoughts.
And the Man proved it to me by reaching out through those dreams — confusing to me as they were at the time, they were from Him! Countless dreams over two decades… He did that for me!
Because He loved me. Because I’m special to Him!
And He didn’t abandon me because of all my flaws. He stayed right by my side while We worked through anger, hate, bitterness, jealousy, sadness… All of it!
As much as I love my mama, I love Him more. And I owe Him everything!
So how could I repay Him by renouncing His very existence?
I couldn’t. So I didn’t.
Don’t get me wrong. The pain didn’t go away, and I STILL miss my mom to this day. But I have His shoulder to cry on whenever I get sad. And I talk to Him about her, and He tells me that she’s watching and still loves me.
Have I received an answer as to why He didn’t work a miracle and save her? No. Am I okay with that? Eh. Would the answer change anything for me? No. So I’m not going to let it destroy me inside. One day, I can ask Jesus and get the answer face to Face.
Until then, I just take it one day at a time. I miss her every day, but I have the hope, the promise of seeing her again. And next time, I’ll have her for eternity!
What More Can I Say?
So that’s about all there is to my path to redemption. My journey to Christ was tumultuous, scary, and confusing, but it’s made me who I am today. So I guess I can’t complain too much.
Don’t get me wrong. I am absolutely a work in progress. Jesus still has His work cut out for Him.
But there was a time when I so wanted to be liked and accepted that I tried to be everything to everyone — so much so that I didn’t even really know who the real me was!
With God’s help, I’ve learned a lot about who He’s created me to be, and I like the girl He’s introduced me to. So, yeah, there’s progress.
But, as I said, He’s not done.
For some reason, He gave a girl who’s shy and not much of a talker a call that, daily, forces her out of her shell. I mean, I’m a writer, so it’s easier for me to share my faith on paper than it is to speak to people about it.
(I don’t stutter, but I do get tongue-tied in public settings. So I always empathize with Moses and wish I weren’t an only child so I could compromise with God and get my sibling to do all my talking!)
And it doesn’t help that I’m reserved. I don’t like to be in the spotlight. Sitting on the sidelines and observing life around me is how I’ve obtained so much fodder for my novels.
Being a people watcher is what makes me such a good writer and the characters I craft so believable — because I’ve been studying people all my life.
But God gave me this call. And I’ve spent too much of my life in defiance, so I figured I’d better allow Him to push me out of my comfort zone into a new world where I’m more in the spotlight.
All that said, there is one thing I like about this call. And it’s not just sharing my faith through stories. It’s meeting people.
Since publishing Unconditional Love, I’ve met so many people — fellow writers, artists, linguists, publishers, editors…
And I’ve even come to acquire a following of people who enjoy my novels and crave the next story!
That, to me, is not only a wonder but humbling as well. Because I put so much into my stories, it’s wonderful to know people enjoy them…
But also so awe-inspiring (as well as heartening) to know people are willing to pay money and invest time reading my books. It makes me want to put even more into the next ones to ensure your money and time are well spent!
I love people and hearing their stories.
I love finding people who have talent and passion and asking them to collaborate with me on a novel so I can give them and their craft the spotlight.
I love helping new writers find their footing or inspiring wanna-be writers to take the plunge.
The best part about this call for me is…
You, dear Reader!
My freshman novel!
Knowing you’re out there reading and enjoying my next story brings me joy that I can’t describe.
And the possibility that you might even take time to drop me a line? Even better!
For a girl who once thought of herself as a rejected outcast, this call has changed my life.
So maybe God knew what He was doing after all, huh?
Beyond Writing
Writing is the thing that consumes my life more than any other endeavor. Because even if I’m working at something else, my novels are always on my mind. Whether one I’ve written but not published or the formation of an entirely new one, I’m always thinking about my books.
However, I do have other “loves.”
“Me and God”
First, I spend my day in fellowship with God. King David talked about living a life of prayer. How that works for me is, well, I talk to God throughout my day. If I’m designing clothes for my characters or maybe crafting a home and decorating it for them, I’m talking to God to get His take on the placement of a ruffle or the use of hardwood instead of tile.
I like to include God in my day. I don’t claim I always hear His responses. But sometimes I feel Him laughing at something I’ve said or, on my bad days, shaking His head because I was rude to someone (usually when I’m driving in commuter traffic!).
And I write without a filter, so I rely on God to tell me to “clean up this scene here” or “leave that out completely.”
Wearing Different [Designer] Hats
Designing’s not only a job, it’s a passion.
I absolutely enjoy interior and fashion design! It’s been my life since I was a little kid.
My mom loved sewing and knew how to dress! She enjoyed fashion and accessories. The woman not only made clothes, she knew how to knit and crochet and made embellishments and accessories for wardrobes.
And she loved Old Hollywood. I grew up with all those gorgeous sets and costumes as my training ground. I had Edith Head and Adrian as my fashion mentors.
So inspired by those old sets and by modern designers such as Lynette Jennings, I successfully designed my bedroom at thirteen. When family members doubted me and said it wouldn’t work, I wowed them with a bedroom that was not only harmonious in all design elements but looked as if it had been staged by a pro.
As much as writing, designing constantly plays through my head. I see possible room schemes or clothes or accessories in so many fabrics, colors, textures that I come across. And I’m always critiquing someone else’s attire or room design. (I can’t help it, though I’m always constructive in my criticism.)
Currently, I’m in the process of designing my house for my portfolio (and upcoming blog). But as of this writing, I mostly utilize my degrees within my novels.
Of course, since I love designing so much, I’ll return to taking clients. But for now, writing takes up my time.
Renaissance Woman
It’s probably an understatement to say I’m into crafts. And anyone who knows me would agree. I do just about any craft out there. At least once. Because how do I know if I want to pursue it if I don’t first try it?
Through Bible study, I met a lady who introduced me to knitting. Next will be crochet and then needlepoint.
But I already enjoy cross-stitch, jewelry making/beading, scrapbooking, candle/soap making, stamping, making cosmetics, decoupage, and the list goes on.
Photography is my next hobby to conquer. I enjoy taking pictures and want to get good at it.
Cooking and baking are also fun, but I hope to take classes so I can be even better at both.
Can’t forget gardening. I’m starting an edible garden (as well as another blog) so that I can cook my own foods and eat healthier.
Holding an exceptional Rob Brown canvas that I won.
And I’m a collector. Tea paraphernalia, mohair bears, butterflies, peacocks, collector dolls, lighthouses, books, even interior-design and fashion collectibles…
Clothes and accessories, too. Hats, jewelry, shoes… Well, as a fashionista, this can’t come as a surprise. (Especially not with my pictures showing me in hats and jewelry!)
And lately, I’ve been on a turquoise kick (quite possibly my American Indian roots coming out).
Furry Family
I grew up in a family of animal lovers. It’s why all my heroines (and most heroes) love animals. Because I do!
My first pet was a cat my mom named ABC for Alicia’s Baby Cat…
Because, when my mom rescued him and brought him home, he literally crawled right into my bassinette… with ME in it!
But even before I was born, my family was the go-to home for every stray in the neighborhood. After I got older, I expanded the tradition to wildlife!
From dogs and cats to hamsters, guinea pigs, and birds to possums, racoons, blue jays, and even skunks!
In fact, I had my own blue jay I named Sam. He was so protective of me, when I screamed as a June beetle was accosting me, Sam swooped right out of the tree and attacked the bug. My hero!
In fact, as I was sitting on the ground one day, he brought his son to me, and the little guy hopped right on my lap and ate a peanut off my leg!
However, despite all the wonderful perks with pet ownership, the one bad thing almost cancels out the good… death. ☹️
On December 4, 2012, my fur baby Ray (named after the TV show Everybody Loves Raymond because everyone did love my Ray-Ray) had to be put to sleep.
Six months later, his sister Cinnamon (our beloved pit bull) gave up the ghost and followed her big brother.
Their deaths were too much for me, my mom, and my grandma. It took us seven years to heal enough to want a new family member.
So God gave me Hunter, my flame-point Siamese! And there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t thank God for Hunter. He’s my baby (and quite a character)!
And the best way for a writer to remember her babies is to put them on paper. And that’s what I plan to do.
Ray, Cinn, and Hunter have each inspired children’s books. (So look for them one day soon.)
The Rest of the Story
My life outside writing books and designing entails, well, more writing!
However, there was an unexpected detour in the medical field of caregiving. And both medical and caregiving are fields that I am so not cut out for and never wanted anything to do with!
From Caregiver...
For seven years, I worked as my grandma’s full-time, sole caregiver.
For about three of those years, I was also working part time and taking care of my mother, who’d had her stroke.
When my mom died, it was just my grandma and me, and it wasn’t easy.
Being a caregiver is hard.
Being a caregiver to family is harder.
Being one to a family member who was a nurse for twenty years at Stanford is even harder!
(Try telling a former nurse, who’s also your grandma (both roles involving a woman who’s used to giving the orders) what to do, when, and how to do it!)
Being a caregiver to a family member who made you feel worthless growing up pretty much tops the “Caregiving’s Hard” meter.
Oh, yeah. My grandma and I did not have the best relationship. In fact, she and I didn’t make amends until a week before she passed. Until then, I was taking care of her as unto God (but, gotta admit, not with the best attitude).
While I took care of her, we needed a supplemental income. So I took classes. For a profession that can be done from the home and worked around a caregiver’s full schedule.
…to Freelancer
Today, besides writing fiction, interior design, and fashion, I’m also a content/copywriter, website auditor, and copyeditor/proofreader.
Closing Thoughts
I hope this has satisfied your desire to learn about the girl behind the novels. I could’ve divulged more, but I thought this would be enough for you to swallow.
I don’t really have any qualms talking about my past. Because it gives God so much glory. I mean, if He can change me, He can change anyone!
But I figured we’d have a chance to get to know each other over the years, so you can learn more about me in depth as our friendship progresses. 😊
I also hope you don’t mind my being real with you. I had a purpose for sharing what I did.
You see, too many people think Christians blindly follow God, denying their pain, hurt, or anger. That we become mindless robots, allowing stuff to roll off our backs because all we care about is strumming a harp and floating on a cloud in the sweet by-and-by.
But that’s not true.
We feel the same emotions you do. We experience the same highs and lows, too.
But we also know we can either react or respond to the events in our lives.
Reacting entails being governed by your emotions, lashing out in a fit of anger, allowing the situation to get the best of you, throwing your hands up in defeat and surrender, being controlled by the moment.
Responding means you take time to process the situation placed before you, not giving in to the fear, anger, or whatever emotion’s prevalent.
Responding means you control the moment/situation instead of allowing the moment/situation to control you.
My life should prove that I’ve experienced a lot, with emotions that have run the gamut, too. I’m not a robot. And God has never asked me to be one. Quite the opposite. God appreciates it when we’re real with Him.
And that’s why my books are real… because I am real, and my books come from my experiences and emotions.
I do my best to glorify God and my faith in my novels because both have come to mean so much to me.
In our world today, people are hurting. They want to be loved and accepted. They want validation and approval. They want comfort and companionship.
They want to fill the aching void in their lives.
So they dabble in all sorts of things to fill that void. But nothing works.
I know. Because I was one of them.
The only thing that worked was God.
So, yes, my novels are written to expose you, dear Reader, to Him and His love that will fill whatever void you have.
I don’t know your story. I don’t know what you’re searching for. But it doesn’t matter. Because there’s only one Answer.
Please don’t base your opinion of Him on His followers. We’re just people, and we don’t always do Him proud.
If my novels can give you a different opinion of Him than what you’ve come to think, then I’ve done my part.
Because He’s not mean, cruel, controlling, or whatever you’ve been led to believe.
What He is, is LOVE.
He is loving, merciful, compassionate, gracious, forgiving, and affectionate. He wants to be a Lover and a Fighter — the Lover of your soul and the Fighter of your demons, hurts, pain, sorrows…
He doesn’t care who you’ve been or what you’ve done. And He doesn’t care if you’ve hated Him all your life or even renounced Him.
All He cares about is YOU!
He loves you and wants you to give Him a chance. Because He created you to be part of His family.
He created you to belong. To Him.
Take it from a girl who never felt she belonged and believed He wanted nothing to do with her.
I was wrong — I always belonged, and He always wanted me.
And He fought a tough battle to prove it.
And He’ll fight for you, too.
If you let Him.
He already did the hard part (death on the Cross).
Yours is simple. Follow Romans 10:9 and just ask Him in.
It really is that easy.
Crafting passionate tales for adult hearts and creating magical worlds for young minds!
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