Welcome to Books by...
HEARD Crittenden
This will be the home of all historical and period-piece romances...
Why “Coming Soon”?
I know you’re on this page because you want books. And not just any books. Historical romances that will sweep you off your feet.
Instead, you get a neon sign that promises good things to come.
What’s the deal with that?
Well, you see, I spent a lot of years as a full-time caregiver to my grandma, which meant I didn’t have any spare time to travel.
But I did have my imagination. A very active imagination. And plenty of time to read while waiting in doctors’ offices or in pharmacy lines.
And what all that reading and my imagination wrought were oodles and oodles of stories.
Yep. Just because I couldn’t travel didn’t stop me from coming up with delicious historical romances that I’m just aching to write. (As much as you’re aching to read them!)
What’s in Store?
HEARD’s historical romances will take you around the world and through many timelines. From England to America to the Caribbean Islands and beyond. From America’s Civil War to England’s Regency period, from pre-history to more recent “retro” history.
I can do a lot of research into settings and periods from my computer. But, well, have you heard of “method” actors? They’re the actors who like to become their roles, immerse themselves into all aspects of their characters’ lives. (Think of the great David Suchet as Hercule Poirot.)
Well, consider me a “method” writer. I like to immerse myself in the surroundings of the settings I’ve created. I need to see the sights that my characters may have seen, smell the fragrances, feel the breezes, sample the foods and drinks...
And that will take traveling.
Patience’s Payoff
So, please, be patient with me. I promise historical romances are coming that will span the globe and centuries.
In the meantime, I’ll be at work on creating a historical romance that takes place closer to my home — in the San Francisco Bay Area. That may not be as exotic as the Caribbean, but you’ll still get to travel back in time, meet enchanting characters, experience a world that no longer exists, and live through all the drama and passion that are sure to be found in a HEARD Crittenden novel.
Stay in Touch
If you’d like to keep updated to learn when the first historical romance is coming out, then I encourage you to sign up to my weekly newsletter. Just click the red “Sign my up!” button to get all the latest news on upcoming books, reviews, and other events.
I look forward to a long and adventurous friendship with you... through my newsletters and, of course, through all the novels you’ll read.
Crafting passionate tales for adult hearts and creating magical worlds for young minds!
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